

外面氣溫高達華氏91度. 幾袋垃圾不丟不行. 除了有臭味, 一些廚餘在炎熱天氣下會長蛆. 真是可怕極了. 最好的辦法就是拿出去丟.

有時我好生納悶, 這個小鎮明明就有很完善的垃圾分類和資源回收系統. 可是我們這公寓群卻好像自成一家, 不必 follow. 不管什麼雜七雜八的東西通通都丟在一個大型的垃圾貨櫃. 很不環保耶.

話說我拎了3袋垃圾快到收集區時, 有位墨西哥小男孩約莫小學3年級年紀. 他手中拎了一小袋垃圾走在我前面. 眼看他打開垃圾箱門丟完垃圾(此時我在心裡想著, hold the door for me.....hold the door for me.....)關上門後他轉過身正要離開並往前走了兩三步. 看見了我竟出聲問我, 需要幫忙把門開著嗎. 當下我樂的說好說謝謝. 他就再走回去幫我把門抓著讓我把垃圾空投進去.

往回走的路上, 我忍不住誇他是位好幫手. 他的媽媽一定很高興有位這麼會幫忙的兒子. 說的他有點不好意思起來. 再次向他道謝後我才走回自己的公寓. 心想這小孩的家教很好. 綜觀來說, 家長現在多用點心教, 以後小孩成長階段自然會省下很多管教的氣力.

有家長認為小孩送去學校, 小孩不乖或行為不良就是老師的錯. 因為老師沒教好. 錯! 錯! 錯! 連三錯. 家教是最基本的, 家長別無旁貸. TRUST ME!! 小孩家教好是不會變壞的!!


Lazy Piggles

Yes, I am lazy Piggles!

I haven't come up to update my blog for a long long time.

For some reasons, I am lazy and I have some difficult time in life. So on and on......

I don't have internet at home right now so I am using library's internet. May be just for a curiosity. When log in blogger.com and I found 2 new messages there.

It's pity that I can't read them at all. So if you have any questions from any of my articles here. Please feel free to ask but in English. Thanks!

Today is Chinese New Year. I miss all my family, friends and all the delicious food in Taiwan.

Happy Chinese New Year!!!


Green onion and hot dog bread

The dough for the green onion and hot dog bread.

without hot dog

with hot dog

Half and half.

Those bread has crispy thin skin and soft inside. When it's cold, all you have to do just stick it back to oven for a few minutes and it will come out good again!!



The sweater that I just made! Knitting is my new hobby and I like it a lot.

Now I am going to looking for another sweater pattern so I can make one for my mom.


Rip Off Report

I had the WLI Reservation Rewards rip off happen to me after I ordering some crafting stuff on Joann.com. Right after the deal was done. There popped up a window about sign-up for some free stuff. I signed up, but at no time did I give them my credit card info or was notified that I was buying any service or plan.

It showed up on my credit card on last May 22 and today Jun. 16.
I just wrote Joann.com about this situation and if there's anyone could tell me how could they just passing my credit info without my permission???

I do hope it never happened again !!!!